Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chloe and her signature "smile"!!

In conjunction with Children's Day Celebrations, the school have organized an outing for the children to Famart Centre on 30th September 2008, Tuesday. Famart Centre holds an interesting variety of farms. It is a farmer's showcase featuring Singapore's only Bee Farm, conventional Koi Farm, Lotus Farm, Quail Farm, Orchid Farm, Ornamental Fish Farm


Sarah Yau, 杨芷宁. Archie Yau, 杨晨曦. said...

it is so easy to recognise choloe jie jie.. *giggles*

Sarah Yau, 杨芷宁. Archie Yau, 杨晨曦. said...

oops..i need to brush up on spelling. chloe spelt so wrong. *giggles again*